Current Style on the 'Style Set' drop down




I have an issue with with knowing what style 'SET' is active in my document.
If i click on a style set within the list (Change Styles...Style Set) a tick
apears and the set chosen is highlighted. BUT, if I then close word and
reopen this document, or any other document, and look to see what Style Set
is in use by checking the list again none are highlighted!

Is there a way to get the list to show it's tick or whatever so I can see
what set is being used used?

I'm resorting to hovering over the sets in the list one by one currrently;
to try and deduce what style set is being used by looking for the one that
does not change the parts of my document I can see.

Stefan Blom

I have noticed this too. As far as I can tell, there is no way, in the user
interface at least, to determine which style set has been chosen. :-(


What a nightmare! All the development, glossy tutorials and evangelising
about style use, and what do you end up with... not being able to see what
style set is in use in any document you open! It boggles my mind.

It's things like this that make me want to agree with a planet full of MS

Thanks for the reply Stefan. As you say: :-((

Stefan Blom

You could ask in a programming newsgroup such as
microsoft.public.word.vba.general to find out if there is a way to find the
style set name via a macro.

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