Current word xp reliability



Could someone from Microsoft please comment on the current state of word XP?
We are getting a huge number of crashes and small but irritating problems.
Even the 'send error report to microsoft' dialog hangs while trying to
prepare the report on some occasions. Things seem to have got a lot worse
since we did an office update approx 2 weeks ago (covering about 3 months
worth of fixes). If there are particular features known to cause problems,
we can probably avoid them but in the current situation word xp is really

e.g. latest problem (just today): update field on contents causes a hang
when the 1st heading doesn't have a page break before it. (ok we can get out
of it by pressing escape but then the contents are out of date)



Suzanne S. Barnhill

You probably won't get a comment from Microsoft in this forum, since these
NGs are not routinely monitored by Microsoft employees (they're for peer
support). But one PSS person has been posting recently in
microsoft.public.word.application.errors, so you might try there. FWIW,
yours is the first post I've seen describing such an error with a TOC.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
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