


Does CurrentDb.RecordsAffected work properly with a Make-Table query ?
I have some code which uses CurrentDB.Execute "SELECT ... INTO ... FROM
...". The table is made correctly, but when i then use
CurrentDb.RecordsAffected i get 0 intead of the number of records in the
table. (Code is too messy post unless you insist, but there are no
intervening Execute statements)

Bruce M. Thompson

Does CurrentDb.RecordsAffected work properly with a Make-Table query ?
I have some code which uses CurrentDB.Execute "SELECT ... INTO ... FROM
..". The table is made correctly, but when i then use
CurrentDb.RecordsAffected i get 0 intead of the number of records in the
table. (Code is too messy post unless you insist, but there are no
intervening Execute statements)

Dim a database object, set your reference, execute your sql and then check the
..RecordsAffected property. If you simply use CurrentDb, the database instance is
lost before you can check the property:

'Dim your object variable
Dim MyDb As Database
'Set to the current database
Set MyDb = CurrentDb()
'Execute the sql
MyDb.Execute "SELECT ... INTO ... etc.
'Now, retrieve the .RecordsAffected property
MsgBox MyDb.RecordsAffected & " records were inserted into the new table."

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