Cursor is not visible in Word 2003 Help - Search Box



Cursor is not visible in the Office Assistant - Search Box
You can type text, but you are unable to see the cursor.

This occurs occasionally in Outlook and Word fields that require an inputs -
such as typing in a file name.

I am trying to determine if this is a problem with Microsoft Office, or if I
have a video problem. I have a new Dell XPS system with plenty of RAM and
Video Memory.

I am also experiencing problems with Word 2003 - Inserting JPEG files
(several) into table fields. After inserting several pictures (approx 6-8),
the next image is not visible - it becomes visible if you use print pre-view,
or you insert another picture.

This is a new computer system - that should easily handle the tasks without
problems. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Graham Mayor

This sounds like a screen display driver issue. Word makes surprisingly
heavy demands on the screen driver. Try decreasing the hardware acceleration
a couple of notches or see if there's an updated driver available.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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I have already tried changing the hardware acceleration and updating the
I am using the new Radeon X800XT Video Cart w/256MB memory on the card. The
card was installed by Dell with Dell Drivers. To try and fix the missing
images / cursor problems I tried using the lastest driver from ATI for this
video card.

Uprading the driver and changing the video acceleration has made no
Since I last posted, I have lost my video signal 3-time (twice using the
digital video cable and once with the anolog video cable attached). Each
time the video signal was lost, the computer had to be rebooted (unable to do
a restart - had to do a hard shutdown with the power button). System
rebooted and video worked fine.

I have tried various combinations of video cable, video card settings, and I
have even removed and re-installed Microsoft Office 2003 professional to
correct problem. These changes / modifications made no difference.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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