Cursor position


Ernie H

Word 2000 Sp1.
After I paste picture , my cursor stays on the right lover
corner of the picture box. text entering could start only
from this point.
How can I move my cursor up and beside the picture frame
to start typing text in the empty space.
Tools- ...... can not select picture as described in the
help file for wrap around picture etc.
Thank's in advance

Suzanne S. Barnhill

When you insert the picture, it is "In Line with Text." That is, it behaves
just like a gigantic font character. You can move the cursor above the
graphic by pressing the left arrow key, but you can't type beside the
picture unless you change the wrapping.

When you click on the picture, you should get the Picture toolbar (if you
don't, right-click on any other toolbar and select Picture from the list).
Click on the Text Wrapping button (dog icon) and choose Square. Your graphic
will then be "wrapped" (floating, in the drawing layer), and you can insert
text next to it or move it anywhere on the page.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
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