Cursor Weirdness in Office 2003/Word



This is an example of what happens when using Word...
Yes on the walk.ack and wants to join us Charlotte is b

What was typed should read:
Yes on the walk. Charlotte is back and wants to join us

The cursor ALWAYS jumps backwards and I do not know what is causing this to

Beth Melton

If you are using a laptop then the best solution is to use an external mouse
and disable the touch pad. On some laptops the vibration of the keyboard is
enough to trigger the touch pad which is causing the cursor to jump. You
might try decreasing the sensitivity of the touch pad but when I encountered
this issue only an external mouse solved the issue. I finally resolved it
for good - I now have a different laptop. ;-)

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Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Coauthor of Word 2007 Inside Out:

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