curved line measurement



Dear all,

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance

Dear Paul,

So, do you know any idea how to get that? Do you think that there is any
tool or stencil for that?

Thanks in advance.


If the edition of your Visio is prophesional, then you could do with the menu.
Tools/Addons/Visio Extra/, and you could find the tool tomeasure the length
and area.


Dear June,

That's right, but I need that the line I draw (straigt and curve) get the
right measurement.

I mean that if you get the pencil and draw a line along the shape with
straight lines and curved lines, the distance of the line is not all the path
of the line but just points from X to Y.

I need a tool or stecil like the pencil or curved line (there is the other
toll on this menu tolls) in order to draw a path an get the measurement of
all the path inclouding the curves.

Do you know if there is any specific tool or stecil for that?

Thanks in advance.

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