Custom a number - Excel 2007 with Vista OS



Format Cell - Number Tab - Category Customer. If we put in e.g. "Inv" 000 and
cells will read Inv 014 etc. If we do 00 "Kg" (i.e. after the 00) would read
14 Kg etc. This has always worked on any computer running Excel 2007 on
Windows XP. On both our computers running on Vista Busines if we custom the
number "Inv" 000 - no matter what we put in front of the number - it works -
but it will not work when we put the word after the number i.e. 00 "Kg"
Assistance will be much appreciated.

Roger Govier

Hi Margy

When you say it does not work, what happens? What do you see in the cell.
Works perfectly for me on Vista Business and XL2007


Sorry Roger should have told you what happened.

If I customized 000 "tons" - when I type a value e.g. 35 into the cell it
will read 000tons and does not show e.g. 35 tons - that is only on the Vista

Roger Govier said:
Hi Margy

When you say it does not work, what happens? What do you see in the cell.
Works perfectly for me on Vista Business and XL2007

Peo Sjoblom

Have you tried?

000 " tons"

which should be the correct way of doing it on any version and on any OS



Peo Sjoblom

Margy said:
Sorry Roger should have told you what happened.

If I customized 000 "tons" - when I type a value e.g. 35 into the cell it
will read 000tons and does not show e.g. 35 tons - that is only on the


When I type a value (e.g. 35) into the cell with custom format 000 " tons" is
shows 000 tons in the cell and 35 in the formula bar. Very puzzling as I have
been doing this for years on all versions of Excel - even 2007 and it is only
my new notebook and DEesktop with Vista that is giving this problem - that is
why I thought it might be related to Vista.

Peo Sjoblom

The cell is where it should show. In the formula only the number itself
should show.



Peo Sjoblom

Roger Govier

Hi Margy

Are you sure you type Zeros in the format, and not text O's?

Roger Govier

Margy said:
Sorry Roger should have told you what happened.

If I customized 000 "tons" - when I type a value e.g. 35 into the cell it
will read 000tons and does not show e.g. 35 tons - that is only on the


I promised I typed Zeros - without doubt. It would not show the value in the
formula bar if I had typed "O"'s. The crazy thing is if I type the word first
and then the zeros is works - but not the word after the zeros. I did not
know if there was a setting in Excel options that had to be checked or not -
because as I have mentioned, this works absolutely perfectly on any other PC
with XP on - it is only these 2 computers with Vista on. If this can be
solved I would be delighted from a convenient point and also because I am so
puzzled by it.

Thanks so much for your replies. I value this forum so much and everyone's


It needs to show 35 Tons in the cell not 000 tons in cell and 35 in formula
bar - which is what it is doing. If I custom it word first and then zeros it
is fine - it will show e.g. Tons 35 in cell and 35 in formula bar - which is
what it is suppose to do. Very puzzled.

David Biddulph

Just humour us & check your custom formatting again, particularly the
position of the quote marks. You would get the symptoms you describe if
your custom formatting says "000 tons" instead of 000 " tons"


I do have only the word in inverted commas - not the zeros as per your exampe
000 " tons". I promise I am not being "blonde"

Your assistance is really so much appreciated.


Sorry for the typo - I meant inverted commas. I am entering 000 "tons" and
the result is 000 tons in cell. If I customise "tons" 000 that works

David Biddulph

Margy said:
I promised I typed Zeros - without doubt. It would not show the value in
formula bar if I had typed "O"'s.

Yes, it would. With OOO "tons" in custom format, it shows 35 in the formula
bar and OOO tons in the display in the cell. That's why Roger asked the

Are you saying that you have a file that works OK on a machine with XP that
doesn't work on a machine with Vista, or are you creating a different
workbook on the Vista machine? Have you tried copying the file between
machines and seeing how it behaves on the other side?


Hi David - I teach Excel and customizing a value in a cell is one of the
things that I have been teaching on my course for many years. I have 4 PCs. 2
with XP and 2 with Vista - all 4 have Office 2003 and 2007 on them. When I
teach this I open a work book and format a column with a customised value
that will calculate e.g. 75 kgs and then we do calculations. I have taught
this for years. On the 2 new computers that run on Vista, this same exercise
does not work (on Excel 2003 or 2007) if I customise with the word after the
figure e.g. 000 "kgs". I know it sounds quite rediculous - as I will go to
the 2 computers that have been set up for ages on XP and in both Excel 2003
and 2007 this excercise works. I wondered if there was a setting in Excel
options that was not setting by default on the Vista PCs - I know it sound
rediculous to think it is a Vista related issue. I just don't know why this
has happened to these 2 new computers I have set up. I install Office exactly
the same way as I have done for years. I have gone back to the installation
and made sure that every Excel feature runs from the hard drive. I would so
like this mystery to be solved.

Thanks for your response.

David Biddulph

If you want your problem solving, then you may wish to answer my questions,
which I will repeat for clarity:
It sounds as if the answer to the first question is that you are creating a
new file, so why not try copying the two files over, one from XP to Vista,
and one from Vista to XP, and see how they behave in the other environment.
Then you can see whether the problem is with the file, or with the Vista
environment on those machines.

You could, of course, also upload the file from Vista to somewhere like, then other users will be able to see whether the
file works for them, and whether there is anything obviously wrong.

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