Custom animation for a group of pictures


Sarah Jane

Hi all

I'm using PowerPoint 2003 and have animated 4 pictures by fading the
entrance and exit of each picture in turn. As the first picture fades out,
the second fades in ... when the last (4th) picture fades out that is the end
of the sequence. I want to repeat the whole sequence again i.e. start from
picture one fade in, fade out, then picture 2 fade in, fade out etc. If I
choose 'Repeat until end of slide' all the pictures start repeating at the
same time.

Does anyone know how to make the whole sequence repeat (pic1, then pic2,
pic3, pic 4, then start at pic1 again, pic2, 3, 4) rather than the individual

Would appreciate your help!
Thanks, Sarah


Sarah Jane,
Other than reapplying or copying the animations ( to copy animations use
this add-in: you could do the following:
Create a custom show for that slide only using Slide show - Custom shows -
New - select that slide and click OK and close.

Click Slide show - Set up show - check Loop untill escape is pressed.
In the slide transition task pane apply an automatic transition of 0 seconds
to the slide.
Now put an action button on your slide that allows you to link to the rest
of the presentation using Slide show - Action settings - action button. Or
draw an object on that slide and attach an action to it.

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