Custom animation


Ross R

If you have a picture as the background and a colored square as a mask, can
you have an oval(what ever shape you want) appear on the slide and then
through custom animation have the oval grow like on the cartoons, not grow
and shrink, but as the oval grows more of the background picture appear?

Bill Dilworth

Sure, this is doable.

First, set your background.

Then, create a circle. Then change the fill to 'No Fill', the line color to
black, and the line thickness to 300 pts. Enlarge the circle so that it
covers the slide corners.

Copy the circle, and reduce the size so that it fills an area inside the
outer circle (outer edge of inner, covers the inner edge or outer).

Copy and reduce as many times as is needed to produce a very small opening
in the center of the slide.

Group all the circles together.

Apply the emphasis animation to grow/shrink the group to 2000%.
Add emphasis - grow shrink - on click
Click on the 150% - in the custom box enter 2000 then hit ENTER

This close?

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.

John Wilson

This is based on Bil's method but may be easier.

Set the background to your picture
Draw a circle about the full hieght of the slide and centered horozontally.
Set fill to none and line to black 500 point (you may want to experiment
with this)
In custom animation set emphasis to grow shrink custom size to 5000 and then
enter to set.

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