Custom animation


Peggy Grall

When I add a text box to a slide, then type a list (with bullets) I can¹t
figure out how to get the list to come up one bullet at a time...when I go
into the Œcustom animation¹ option and choose just one line of type and say
Œappear² etc. , it still grabs the whole list and makes it all come up on
the mouse click...any ideas?

In other words I need to be able to create a list and have the lines come up
one at a time on the mouse click...


Jeff Chapman

If you¹re working with a standard text placeholder,
you should be able to select the placeholder
(click on the edge without selecting the text itself),
click on the Add Entrance Effect button in the
Custom Animation floating toolbox, select the
Appear effect, make sure that Start is set to
³On Click², and that the Text Animations options
are set to ³Animate text: All at once² and
³Group text: 1st level².

Does that work for you?


Steve Rindsberg

If you¹re working with a standard text placeholder,
you should be able to select the placeholder
(click on the edge without selecting the text itself)

... which is sometimes a bit twitchy; you can also click anywhere
inside the text box then press ESC.

Jeff Chapman

Yes, the oft-benigned ESC route. I've taken that once or twice before. 8-P


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