Custom Arrangements won't expand



Hi Gang-

Have created a Custom Arrangement for viewing the MS Newsgroups & it seems
to work fine for most of the forums. It primarily groups posts by Subject.
Screen shot included below w/system details.

First Problem: In the Entourage & Word.DocManagement (Win) forums the
Grouped messages will not expand when I click the triangle.
View>Expand/Collapse All works fine. The messages are grouped and the number
of posts for each group is shown in the Group Header bar. Also,
double-clicking the arrow opens all messages in the Group in individual
windows. Just CANNOT expand one Group at a time.

Second Problem: Even in Groups where the triangle works as it should, some
Groups appear more than once. Although the other Groups expand/collapse OK,
the second instance of any Group will expand but not collapse. In fact,
clicking the triangle to collapse it causes more messages of a different
Subject to appear in the list. That Group message list continues to grow
with each click, adding more posts on a different subject. If I go to
another forum & return, the lists are collapsed as they should be until I
expand one of the duplicates.

Any Ideas? All contributions welcome |:>)

PM G5, 2GB DP, 1.5GB RAM
OS X 10.4.1 (Tiger)
Mac Office 2004, version 11.1.0

-- (e-mail address removed)

Mickey Stevens

Hi Gang-

Have created a Custom Arrangement for viewing the MS Newsgroups & it seems to
work fine for most of the forums. It primarily groups posts by Subject. Screen
shot included below w/system details.

First Problem: In the Entourage & Word.DocManagement (Win) forums the Grouped
messages will not expand when I click the triangle. View>Expand/Collapse All
works fine. The messages are grouped and the number of posts for each group is
shown in the Group Header bar. Also, double-clicking the arrow opens all
messages in the Group in individual windows. Just CANNOT expand one Group at a
For the first problem, make sure the "Links" column is turned on (View >
Columns > Links). If you read newsgroups in a separate window, make sure
the "Online Status" column is turned on. There is a bug in Entourage 2004
that requires the first column in the View > Columns list to be on for those
disclosure triangles to function properly.
Second Problem: Even in Groups where the triangle works as it should, some
Groups appear more than once. Although the other Groups expand/collapse OK,
the second instance of any Group will expand but not collapse. In fact,
clicking the triangle to collapse it causes more messages of a different
Subject to appear in the list. That Group message list continues to grow with
each click, adding more posts on a different subject. If I go to another forum
& return, the lists are collapsed as they should be until I expand one of the
That is strange. Try downloading all of the messages in a newsgroup (select
all, and then go to Message > Receive Entire Message). Does that help?

Otherwise, you might want to try rebuilding the database. Try rebuilding
the database.

In Entourage 2004, you must launch the Microsoft Database Utility.
1. Launch Entourage, holding down the ³Option² key. Or, launch the
Database Utility separately; it is located in HD/Applications/Microsoft
Office 2004/Office/.
2. If you are prompted, allow the Database Utility to quit open Office
3. Once the Database Utility is open, select your identity from the list at
the top.
4. Click the ³Rebuild Database² button, and click ³Continue.²


Hi Mickey-

Thanks for sharing your expertise. Results are as follows:

Problem 1: My View>Columns submenu does not contain a Links listing. The
only Link reference I can find is in the Tools menu (and is for manually
linking unrelated messages, correct?). However, reactivating the the ³On
Line Status² column did resolve that issue.

Problem 2: First selected a problem Group from Folders list, then Tools>Send
& Receive All. Selected all messages and went to Message>Receive Entire
Message. Result ­ No Change.

Next, Option-Launched Entourage and checked database with no errors
reported. Rebuilt anyway. Still no remedy to original problem.

Additional Detail - Some posts continue to display more than once, but those
that do are not consecutively listed (nor were they originally). There is
usually at least 1 or 2 message groups separating instances of the repeater.
The messages that get added are from the first group that separates the
repeaters. The next click to collapse adds the next group of Œintervening¹
messages if there is one, otherwise it adds the next group from below the
duplicate. Each click continues the behavior in the same way. The original
instance of the offender, however, remains unaffected.

One of the weirdest puzzlements I¹ve encountered since Mac was born.

Thanks again for any additional suggestions.

Regards |:>)

-- (e-mail address removed)

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