Custom AutoFilter on text data very slow



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel


When I want to apply a custom autofilter in excel it takes up to 10 minutes before I get results.
I used to work with thiis file previously on my windows pc.
The file contains more then 6000 lines and it seems that excel under mac needs much more time to calculate and apply these filters then it needs under windows.

The column on which I apply the filter contains text data with following structure:
(6000 lines in total)
I apply this filter: equals = 0902*
(which is same as "starts with" 0902)
In Excel on my windows pc this filter causes no problem at all. In excel on mac it takes 10 minutes.



All I can tell you I that performance issues have been a concern since 2008
was introduced. MacBU has been constantly working on the problems & have
made consistent & dramatic improvement with each update. Unfortunately there
are still some areas where performance is not what would be expected & there
isn't much that can be done locally.

Make sure you have the Office suite fully updated (12.1.5) & that there are
no background processes running that might be interfering with Excel's
operations. Memory may also be an issue as well as whether it is really the
*same* file or a *copy* of the file you have on the PC. If it's a copy the
copy nay be corrupt in some way, if its the same file there may be
network/remote access issues involved.

I have a file with over 11,000 records in which response with AutoFilter is
literally instantaneous - regardless of what the column content is. This is
also a file that originated in a PC version of Excel, so other than
something of a localized nature I don't see why you shouldn't be
experiencing comparable results.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Bob Greenblatt

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel


When I want to apply a custom autofilter in excel it takes up to 10 minutes
before I get results.
I used to work with thiis file previously on my windows pc.
The file contains more then 6000 lines and it seems that excel under mac needs
much more time to calculate and apply these filters then it needs under

The column on which I apply the filter contains text data with following

(6000 lines in total)
I apply this filter: equals = 0902*
(which is same as "starts with" 0902)
In Excel on my windows pc this filter causes no problem at all. In excel on
mac it takes 10 minutes.

Well, something is definitely fishy. Like Bob Jones replied, there is
nothing inherently different, and although Excel 2008 is sometimes somewhat
slower than comparable windows versions, it is not as bad as you are
experiencing. I just made up some sample data like you illustrated above,
and propagated it for over 16,000 rows. The advanced filter with the same
criteria as you used was virtually instantaneous.

I'm using a MacBook Pro, OS 10.5.6, Office 2008 12.1.5. So, something is
very different in your configuration that is causing the extreme filter


Thank you Bob and Bob

I'm using MacBook Pro, OS 10.5.6, Office 12.1.3. When I check for updates I receive this notice that there is no newer version.

My mac has 2GB memory, my windows pc has 1GB.

There are no network issues involved as I run the file local.

Even when I create a new file and copy my entire data into it, same problem continues...

Hence, I can not use my Mac for my professional activities and it seems to me I have no other option to switch back to my windows PC :(

regars and thanks again for your help


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