Custom colors disappear from palate


Jim Evans

Is there a way to keep Custom Colors as part of the Palate? I create Custom
Colors when I am initially developing a form but after the Db has been
closed and reopened the Custom Colors are no longer available on the form's
Palate and must be recreated each time you extend design of the form.

Is there a way to add to the standard Palate?


JimBurke via

This isn't answering your question, and if someone knows how to do this then
you'll be all set, but once you've defined your custom palette, you can find
out what the numeric values for the various colors are (go to a form/control
property, choose the color you want from the palette, then check the numeric
value of the property), then create descriptive, globally defined constants
that represent each color, i.e. in a code module define something like.

Public const colorRedOrange as long = 12345
Public const colorBlueGreen as long = 5678

A bit clumsy, but that way you always know how to get the values, whether you
want to use code to set the color or use this as a manual lookup so that you
can set it in the form property. But chances are someone will know how to
achieve what you asked for - just an idea if you don't get the solution you

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