Custom data



I would like to determine what data has changed for a project (inserts,
modifications and deletions). I would like to use a post-publish event to
calculate the 'change' and record to a custom table.
Are there any guidelines for creating custom tables?

Alternative solutions?

Bryant Likes

kernel said:
I would like to determine what data has changed for a project (inserts,
modifications and deletions). I would like to use a post-publish event to
calculate the 'change' and record to a custom table.
Are there any guidelines for creating custom tables?

I've been working on something that sounds similar lately and here is the
approach that I've taken.

First I created a working database which has all the items that I'm
interested in tracking plus the columns that I care about. So for example
tasks is an obvious one. So for tasks I created three tables.


Second, I created event handlers for project saved and project published
(will need one for updated to handle PSI updates, but still working that
part of the plan out). When a project is saved I write the updated tasks to
the revisions table. The way to figure out what changed is by the
mod_rev_counter field. If that field is the same as the project's
mod_rev_counter field then it was changed during that save. You can track
who saved it by using the PSContextInfo user name field on the event. For
the published event I just write the task record if the mod_rev_counter

Note: I keep this all in a seperate database because that way you don't mess
up/clutter project server.
Alternative solutions?

Haven't found a good one yet. :)

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