Mac OX & Word 2004 (Version 11)
I work with Icelandic characters, and word '04 refuses to add the þ,
Þ, or ð, Ð, no matter how I set the custom Dictionary preferences.
I have created a new C. Dictionary.
I have selected 'none' under languages.
I have selected 'Icelandic' under languages.
I have opened and manually typed in the offending 'Non-Roman'
characters, and words containing them.
And each time I do; Word's spell checker annoys me with this dialogue
"The word was not added to, ... . The word you want to add might
contain non-Roman characters, or the dictionary might be full."
And then it sets to chasing its tail in a circle, refusing to even
ignore the above Non-Roman' characters, continually checking and
rechecking, and re-refusing.
I work with Icelandic characters, and word '04 refuses to add the þ,
Þ, or ð, Ð, no matter how I set the custom Dictionary preferences.
I have created a new C. Dictionary.
I have selected 'none' under languages.
I have selected 'Icelandic' under languages.
I have opened and manually typed in the offending 'Non-Roman'
characters, and words containing them.
And each time I do; Word's spell checker annoys me with this dialogue
"The word was not added to, ... . The word you want to add might
contain non-Roman characters, or the dictionary might be full."
And then it sets to chasing its tail in a circle, refusing to even
ignore the above Non-Roman' characters, continually checking and
rechecking, and re-refusing.