Custom Field Formulas and Control Expression Limitations




I'm working the a custom field formula in Project 2003 and am reaching a
threshold of 13 cases (with a switch statement) or 13 nested IIF()
expressions before a syntax error is thrown. Anyone else experience the same
problem? I could use VBA code instead but I'm looking for a "real-time"
update to these custom fields and I'm not aware of an event trigger that
could be used to gauge when fields in an associated column are updated. Any
help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Jack Dahlgren

There is a character limit to formulas (can't remember offhand if it is 256
or 512 characters) so you have to be more economical with your formula.

13 cases is a pretty large number. You could use a couple of different
fields perhaps, though sometimes there are issues with custom fields which
depend on other custom fields.

-Jack Dahlgren

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