PSU35 --
The Project Server administrator needs to do the following steps:
1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions and then click Server
Settings - Enterprise Custom Field Definition.
2. On the Custom Fields and Lookup Tables page, create a custom Lookup
Table containing the list of values to display in the custom field.
3. 2. On the Custom Fields and Lookup Tables page, create a custom field
and attach the newly-created Lookup Table to it.
4. Click Server Settings - Configuration (in the Cube section).
5. In the Cube Dimensions section of the Cube Configuration page, add the
new custom field to the Selected Dimensions list.
The next time the OLAP cubes rebuild, the new custom field will appear as an
available Dimension in the appropriate OLAP cubes. If you want more
detailed information than the above, you might consider purchasing one or
more of our books on Project Server 2007, available for purchase at:
Hope this helps.