Custom formating for special cases in cells


Eddie Morris

Dear Experts,

I have a situation where I import tabular data from an engineering drawing
in which some data may be of the form 012.
However, upon typing 012, excel automatically deletes teh number '0'.
Is there a workaround this
Any information greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Ron Rosenfeld

Dear Experts,

I have a situation where I import tabular data from an engineering drawing
in which some data may be of the form 012.
However, upon typing 012, excel automatically deletes teh number '0'.
Is there a workaround this
Any information greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

It depends on how you are importing the data and the nature of the data.

If it is a .txt file, the text import wizard will give you the opportunity to
specify that column as TEXT prior to the import.

If it is a .csv file, you will need to rename the file to <original_name>.txt

If your engineering program is in Excel format, you will have to change that
within the external program.

If all of the "numbers" have three digits, including the leading "0", you can
do some manipulations after importing.

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