custom formatting



I continue to be stumped. anyone that can try the below and figure out how
to do will be heaven-sent

The following custom format:


works to provide me with the following desired results:

0-100,000 produces "##,###" (basically standard US formatting)
100,000-10,000,000 shows (for 1,000,000) "10,00,000", (for 10,000,000)

For 10,000,000,000, it gives me "1000,00,00,000", whereas I need
"1,000,00,00,000" (the pattern of commas, after it crosses 9,999,999,999.
needs to go back to three digits between each comma.

I need to figure out the following, in this priority (meaning if it all
cannot be accomplished, I'll take what I can get:

1) Need negatives RED and in parentheses

2) after the "1,000,00,00,000" that is displayed for my highest value, each
3 digits should be grouped (like regular spacing of US digits). Cannot get
this to happen

Any help is immensely appreciated.

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