Custom icons in toolbar


Lars Brownies

How do I add custom icons into Access so that I can use them in toolbars?
Will Access load the icons from the source files everytime you start Access
or does it become part of Access?
Google doesn't give me the what I'm looking for.



Albert D. Kallal

Are you talking about ribbon, or pre 2007?

If you look at the screen shots here you see an access menu with custom
(access 2003)

The simple way to do this is grab your favorite picture, and the re-size it
to 16x16.

When you are then in customizing mode for a menu bar, you simply right click
on the button, and then choose:

Paste Button Image.

After you paste I also tend to choose "edit button image" and clean up the
icon a bit, or make sure the background parts are transparent....

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