Custom install wizard & Office 2003


Jim Bud

We are upgrading from Office 2000 to Office 2003, which of course means
Outlook as well from 2000 to 2003. We are using the MS LIS method with our
installs and using a transform MST file with other settings for Outlook,
word, etc.

In the Custom Installation Wizard screen 10 (Change Office User Settings) we
have made some changes to Outlook 2003 settings and screen 12 (Add/Remove
Registry Entries) we added some current user reg keys. The problem we are
seeing is that when we run the upgrade from 2000 to 2003 for the user logged
in when the install runs the settings are taking place, but when we login as
another user these settings are not being adding. How can we get the install
to do these settings for all users instead of current user only?

In screen 23 the "ALLUSERS" is set to 2.

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