Custom keyboard shortcuts : applescript?


Jason O

Hi all,

I'm wanting to set up a few custom keyboard shortcuts in Entourage to:

1) Mark selected post(s) as read.
2) Select all posts & then Receive entire message(s).

I'm a complete Applescript virgin - would that be the only way to do this?
And in option (2) is there any way of (after selecting all posts) only
downloading those that haven't already been downloaded.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just a point in
the right direction.

Many thanks.


*Replace .invalid with .com for replies*

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Jason O said:
Nice one Corentin! Much appreciated. (soon be able to throw the mouse


Additionally, if a command is listed in the menus and even if it doesn't
have a shortcut assigned to it, in Tiger, you can assign it a shortcut
of your choice through the Mouse & Keyboard prefpane.


Jason O


Additionally, if a command is listed in the menus and even if it doesn't
have a shortcut assigned to it, in Tiger, you can assign it a shortcut
of your choice through the Mouse & Keyboard prefpane.


How exactly?,

I'm wanting to assign a cople of keyboard shortcuts in Safari - I want 2
keys to 'show the previous page' and 'show the next page' but can't figure
it out.... I am a bit stupid, did I mention that?


Corentin Cras-Méneur

Jason O said:
How exactly?,

I'm wanting to assign a cople of keyboard shortcuts in Safari - I want 2
keys to 'show the previous page' and 'show the next page' but can't figure
it out.... I am a bit stupid, did I mention that?

There is a shortcut subpane in the Mouse and Keyboard prefpane. You can
create new shortcuts there and decide whether you want them for all apps
ro specific apps only. Enter the command exactly as it is phrased in the
software and assign it a shortcut.

Next time you relaunch the app, you can even see the shortcut in the
menu listing.
Make sure you assign a shortcut that is not already in use or it won;t
work (it doesn't override the default shortcuts set by the app).


Jason O

There is a shortcut subpane in the Mouse and Keyboard prefpane. You can
create new shortcuts there and decide whether you want them for all apps
ro specific apps only. Enter the command exactly as it is phrased in the
software and assign it a shortcut.

Next time you relaunch the app, you can even see the shortcut in the
menu listing.
Make sure you assign a shortcut that is not already in use or it won;t
work (it doesn't override the default shortcuts set by the app).


Thanks. Your post made me look at Safari in mre detail-looking for the
*exact command* and I've found the two shortcuts I was after; under the
History menu! I told you I was stupid - I should have looked there in the
fisrt place. But then again, you'd think that Apple would list ALL shortcuts
in the Safari Help under the 'Shortcuts' section, wouldn't you.

So, problem solved; indirectly.

Thanks again.


COMMAND + [ = Page back
COMMAND + ] = Page forward

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