Custom Markers


Javier Gomez

Hi all,

I need to a create new custom marker for plots in Excel 2002... is there
anyway to do it?

This is my problem (if there's another solution I would be glad to hear it):
I have 3 sets of data in a scatter plot on Excel. They need to have very
specific markers (or whatever is called the little figure that represents a
data point), two of them are easy (a full circle and an empty circle), but
the third one *must* be a half-full circle (and AFAIK there's no way I can
put that there). I could use another figure (like a square)... but I must
get the full-half-empty trilogy in order to use them.

Does anybody have a suggestion/idea???



Debra Dalgleish

Jon Peltier has instructions for creating custom markers:

His example uses WordArt, but you could use the drawing tools to create
your shape. On the drawing toolbar, choose AutoShapes>Basic Shapes, and
select the Block Arch shape (centre right).

Draw an arch on the worksheet, then drag the yellow diamond to close the
"hole", and you'll end up with a half circle.

Make a copy of this, and rotate it 180°. Line up the two half circles,
fill one with black, then group them (drawing toolbar -- Draw>Group)

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