I am in the fire service and I am using Visio for our response area maps. I
have a large file with a whole town's streets, addresses and hydrants layed
out. I would like to be able to set it up so I can print out sections of the
town on separate pages from the main Visio file. I would like to be able to
edit the main file and be able to print out just the page of the town that I
need. Anyone out there with any help??
Thanks so much for even reading
have a large file with a whole town's streets, addresses and hydrants layed
out. I would like to be able to set it up so I can print out sections of the
town on separate pages from the main Visio file. I would like to be able to
edit the main file and be able to print out just the page of the town that I
need. Anyone out there with any help??