Custom Number Formatting


Mike Aloi

Is there a way to format the display of a custom number field as a dollar or
percentage value? I currently use up custom text fields to show the values
that way, but was wondering if there was an easier way.



Basically no. The custom Number fields will only display integer or
decimal numbers. If you don't mind viewing percentage as a decimal value
then the Number field will work. Otherwise, a custom Text field is the
only option for showing values with the "%" sign. For dollar values, use
one of the custom Cost fields. They are set up to display values with
the dollar sign.

Hope this helps.

Mike Aloi

Thanks - I didn't think so, but thought I'd ask anyway. I've already used up
the custom cost fields, so they were not available. I was trying to produce
some custom reports, and wanted to display some total values for certain
columns within a filtered set of tasks, but since text values do not roll up,
I am forced to do the calculations in a custom number field, then display the
number in a custom text field formatted correctly.

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