Custom Office 2003 (STD) MST Won't Install Outlook 2003



Hi, I hope I can explain this correctly.

I've created a custom MST file using "Custom Installation Wizard" in the
Office 2003 Resource Kit. I've configured it to do a full install of Word,
Excel, Power Point and Outlook and configured what I want with the other
components. This installation is going on computers that already have Office
2000 with Word, Excel and Power Point installed but NOT Outlook (we're
switching to Exchange this year). I've gone through the rest of the Wizard
and set most of it pretty much default, didn't enter any settings for the
Outlook options as we don't know that information yet.

The MST installation runs fine, it installs everything ok except Outlook. If
I go to Add/Remove Programs and modify the Office 2003 installation, I see
Outlook unchecked. If I check it and let it go, it will install but I don't
want to do that for dozens of machines. Also if I install Office 2003
manually (from CD) on any said machine rather than using the MST script, it
does install Outlook.

Am I missing anything obvious here as to why Outlook won't install on any of
these computers when I use my MST script? I'm assuming it's something in the
script settings but I've gone through it over a dozen times and can't figure
out what's wrong.

Thanks for any advice or insight.


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