custom outline codes.



I just added a new custom outline and renamed it to be Project Status,
then i filled the lookup table.
My questions are :

1. can i customize the project summary view to display that field ? ( i
tried modifying the project summary view, but i dont see that field)

2.Is there a way to make that field change automatically when certain
milestones are acheived in the project ?

on another note ...

1. Is it possible to restrict template modification permissions to
certain users ( we want to create all projects from a template, and i
dont want people to accicently modify the template )

thanks in advance....




1) If it is a "Project" enterprise outline field it will display in the
Project Information dialog box. You will also be able to display the field in
row 0 of your WBS (Tools/Options/View click Show Project Summary Task.

2) I do not have the experience VBA to give you an example. But it seems
like a straight forward request

3) Yes, there is a security selection for Groups or Users in the PWA Admin
page. There are security selections for Open Project Template and Save
Project Template.

Ray Coker


Thanks Ray,

I found the fields in the project view, and the security selection for
templates, is there a good place for a newbie to start for the modifying
server using vba ?

thanks again


Sorry Ashish, I am not the one to ask about VBA. I do a lot of work with it
but I am not a professional so I can not help. However, I have been impressed
with VBA responses I have noticed on this site. Try posting a VBA question
under Microsoft Project/General Questions.

Ray Coker

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