Custom Page number behaviour change between word 2003 and 2007


Amedee Vermeire

Dear All,

I use since years a custom page numbering including the chapter number bind
to heading 2 level.
Each of my file represent a chapter (heading 1) followed by a toc then a
page break an the first heading 2.
In word 2003 and earlier, even if the heading 2 was on the second or third
page, the numbering was correct on the first page ( ie. 1.1-1 ). Now in word
2007 if the first page doesn't include the heading 2 level, the numbering
looks like 1-1 iso 1.1-1.
How do I get the old format back as I use this format for document that have
to be formatted this way the the Civil Aviation Authorities.

Thank you for your answer

Amedee Vermeire

Hi stefan,

Sad news.

So this mean, that it might be considered as a word2007 bug ? As the section
based structure is not respected anymore.

Should I then revert to word 2003?

Best regards,

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Are you sure that your Heading Levels are linked to the appropriate styles?
If that is the case, that format of numbering should work. It does for me.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Amedee Vermeire

Hi Doug,

Thank you for your kind answer. Yes, I'm positive my heading is linked to
the appropriate style.
As I open the same file under word2003 the page numbering is correct ie:

page number format 1.1-1 (linked to heading 2 (1.1))
table of content
page break
page number format 1.1-2
heading2 (1.1)
body text
section break next page
page number fomat 1.2-1
heading2 (1.2)
body text

in Word 2007 I have the following:
page number format 1-1 iso 1.1-1(linked to heading 2 (1.1))
table of content
page break
page number format 1.1-2
heading2 (1.1)
body text
section break next page
page number fomat 1.2-1
heading2 (1.2)
body text
it's very very strange.

Would it be something to do with the template ?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

I no longer have the ability to create a document with such numbering in
Word 2003 and then move it to 2007 to see if the result is the same, but I
had no problem setting up a document with that numbering and getting the
1.1-1 on the first page when a paragraph formatted with heading 2 was not
located on the first page.

Do you perhaps have a Different First Page Header or Footer set up with the
format of the page number in that storyrange set up differently from that in
the balance of the document? It appears that the numbering on the first
page is linked to the Heading 1 style rather than the Heading 2 style.

I realise that does not answer the question of why the two versions behave

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Amedee Vermeire

Dear Doug,

I tried myself, creating a template from a blank word 2007 and curiously the
numbering came back to normal.
The problem only happen when I use a word97-2003 template. Should be
something to do with an incompatibility between the template formats.

I'm now in the process of remaking all my templates under word2007 format.

Thank you very much for the attention you show about my problem and your
help. It helped me to solve my problem. Thank you again.

Best regards,

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