Custom Page Numbering


Neil Dempster

Hello PPT experts! The handout I produce to go along with my slides
is not a printout of my slides - it is a custom piece. Since it may
take several PPT slides to address all of the information on one
handout page, I need to have custom page numbers on my slides to
coincide with the handout pages. (e.g. several consecutive slides need
to have the SAME page number). Since PPT does not let you insert a
unique page number (bummer!), and since PPT does not allow you to
customize layouts (double bummer!), I have been using the "Footer"
function. What I do is place a footer code where I want the page
number to display and update the footer for each of the pages with the
unique page number. Although this works, does anyone else have a
bright (or brighter)idea to address this issue? Thanks for your help!


Since you will be needing duplicates of some slides, I'd think exporting to
Word might be your best option. From there, you can modify, copy, paste and
insert as many screen shots or as much text as you need for each page. I
love the hand-out wizard, but the add-in won't know which slides to repeat
or how often.

If you need to catch some of the slides as they build (multiple animations),
you may want to use a screen capture program and insert the captured
'building' slides into the slide program sequence in Word. I like the
simplicity of Howie's Quick Screen Capture Tool (freeware) for this type of
thing, but any of the capture programs will do.

As far as the custom numbering of the slides, a simple textbox in Word
should work (not fast or elegant, but will create the look I believe you


Echo S said:
The only thing I can think of is to see if Shyam's Handout Wizard will
do the trick for you.


Neil said:
Hello PPT experts! The handout I produce to go along with my slides
is not a printout of my slides - it is a custom piece. Since it may
take several PPT slides to address all of the information on one
handout page, I need to have custom page numbers on my slides to
coincide with the handout pages. (e.g. several consecutive slides need
to have the SAME page number). Since PPT does not let you insert a
unique page number (bummer!), and since PPT does not allow you to
customize layouts (double bummer!), I have been using the "Footer"
function. What I do is place a footer code where I want the page
number to display and update the footer for each of the pages with the
unique page number. Although this works, does anyone else have a
bright (or brighter)idea to address this issue? Thanks for your help!

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