Custom paper size & Access 2002...



I am having serious issues with custom printer/paper
I must be able to print 11 X 8.5 (not landscape) from the
network and at the local machine to a shared printer. It
seems that Access is not allowing my code to update the
paper size of the report, code which I eventually copied
verbatim from the help file (CheckCustomPage sub example,
refer to PrtDevMode Property in index). I have this code
bound to a command button on a form, however when the
report is previewed, it returns to the paper specified in
page setup, printing the right 3" on another page.
I don't know what else to do. Anyone with insite please



If you are on Windows NT / 2000 / Xp, then create a custom paper size on the
machine. (Its called a "form"). To do so open the printers folder and
from the File menu choose "Server Properties". On the Forms tab, define
your custom paper size. Then set your report to use that paper. Should
work fine.

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