i want to create custom popup menu triggered when user right-clicks on
cell. i will create this menu on workbook open and 'switch' it with
the default 'cell' menu on the Worksheet_BeforeRightClick event. can
someone help me with syntax where i've placed the "??"s..............
Thanks very much
here is the code....
sub createMenu
dim myRS as adodb.recordset
dim myGlobalMenu as popUpmenu
set myRS...........
while not myRS.eof and myRS.bof
...add new menuItem to popup menu here...
.caption = myRs!name
.tag = myRs!ur
.action addUrl ( pass menuItem object to sub "addURL")
end sub
sub addUrl (aMenuItem as menuITem)
' add caption to current cell
' add url to right of current cell
end sub
' replace current cell popup menu with myGlobalMenu
end sub
cell. i will create this menu on workbook open and 'switch' it with
the default 'cell' menu on the Worksheet_BeforeRightClick event. can
someone help me with syntax where i've placed the "??"s..............
Thanks very much
here is the code....
sub createMenu
dim myRS as adodb.recordset
dim myGlobalMenu as popUpmenu
set myRS...........
while not myRS.eof and myRS.bof
...add new menuItem to popup menu here...
.caption = myRs!name
.tag = myRs!ur
.action addUrl ( pass menuItem object to sub "addURL")
end sub
sub addUrl (aMenuItem as menuITem)
' add caption to current cell
' add url to right of current cell
end sub
' replace current cell popup menu with myGlobalMenu
end sub