Custom Print, close, email ribbon



I am just starting to work with 2007 and I am finding that I cannot get my
2003 custom toolbar to work.
I read a few posts regarding the new ribbon and lack of menus but I have not
had any luck. I tried to follow one post that asks aboth saving the file and
has the buttons to print but, that is more than I need.
I just need options to appear when a report opens that shows buttons to
close, print, save, or email as either snp, or pdf.
Is there a way to make this happen?
Thank you,
Mike O.

Dale Fye


I generally hide the ribbon from my users, and continue to use shortcut
menus. Here is the code for a custom Report menu I use in most of my
applications. I generally use the Report_Open event to call MenuReport,
followed immediately by setting the reports ShortcutMenuBar.

Private Sub Report_Open

Call MenuReport
Me.ShortcutMenuBar = "myReportMenu"

End Sub

This way, regardless of whether I open the report from code, or via the
navpane, I know the shortcut is operational. Then all you have to do is
right click on the report for a variety of functions.

DisplayError is a subroutine I use to record error messages in my ErrorLog
table, so you will need to replace calls to that subroutine with some other
error handling process.

The function IsPDFInstalled checks to see whether the Microsoft SaveAsPDF
add-in is installed. If so, it adds functionalit to either save or send the
report as a pdf.


Public Sub MenuReport(Optional Reset As Boolean = False)

Dim cbr As Object 'As CommandBar
Dim cbrButton As Object
Dim cbrCombo As Object 'CommandBarComboBox
Dim cbrCombo1 As Object, cbrCombo2 As Object
Dim cbrEdit As Object
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

If CmdBarExists("MyReportMenu") Then
If Reset = False Then
Exit Sub
DeleteCmdBar ("MyReportMenu")
End If
End If

On Error GoTo ReportMenuError

DoCmd.Hourglass True

Set cbr = CommandBars.Add("MyReportMenu", BarPopup, , True)

With cbr

Set cbrButton = cbr.Controls.Add(ControlButton, , , , True)
With cbrButton
.Caption = "&Print"
.Tag = "Print"
.OnAction = "=fnReportPrint()"
End With

Set cbrButton = cbr.Controls.Add(ControlButton, , , , True)
With cbrButton
.Caption = "Save as &RTF"
.Tag = "Save as RTF"
.OnAction = "=fnReportSave('RTF')"
.begingroup = True
End With

If IsPDFInstalled() = True Then
Set cbrButton = cbr.Controls.Add(ControlButton, , , , True)
With cbrButton
.Caption = "Save as &PDF"
.Tag = "Save as PDF"
.OnAction = "=fnReportSave('PDF')"
End With
End If

Set cbrCombo = cbr.Controls.Add(ControlComboBox, , , , True)
With cbrCombo
.Width = 0.25
If (Application.Version = 12) And (IsPDFInstalled = True) Then
.AddItem "PDF"
End If
.AddItem "RTF"
.Caption = "Send as:"
.Tag = "SendReport"
.OnAction = "=fnReportSend()"
.begingroup = True
End With

Set cbrButton = cbr.Controls.Add(ControlButton, , , , True)
With cbrButton
.Caption = "&Close"
.Tag = "Close"
.OnAction = "=fnReportClose()"
.begingroup = True
End With

End With

DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, , "ReportMenu error"
End Sub
Public Function fnReportPrint()

Dim rpt As Report, strRptName As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim intResponse As Integer, bPrint As Boolean

On Error GoTo PrintReportError

Set rpt = Reports(Reports.Count - 1)
strRptName = rpt.Name

bPrint = True

If rpt.Pages > 10 Then
strMsg = "This report contains " & rpt.Pages & " pages! " _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Print this report anyway?"
intResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel, "Excessive pages")
If intResponse = vbCancel Then bPrint = False
End If

If bPrint Then
With rpt
Application.RunCommand acCmdPrint
End With
End If

Exit Function

If Err.Number = 2501 Then
'do nothing (print was cancelled)
DisplayError ("Error in fnReportPrint")
End If

End Function
Public Function fnReportSave(OutputFormat As String)

Dim rpt As Report

On Error GoTo SaveReportError

If Reports.Count = 0 Then
Exit Function
Set rpt = Reports(Reports.Count - 1)
End If

Select Case OutputFormat
Case "HTML"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, rpt.Name, acFormatHTML, , True
Case "RTF"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, rpt.Name, acFormatRTF, , True
Case "PDF"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, rpt.Name, "PDF Format (*.pdf)", ,
Case Else
'do nothing
End Select

Exit Function

If Err.Number = 2501 Then
Exit Function
ElseIf Err.Number = 2282 Then
MsgBox WrapText("Your system does not currently have the ability to
save a file " _
& "in a PDF format." & vbCrLf _
& "Contact your system administrator to request
addition of this " _
& "functionality to your suite of MS Office tools!", 65)
DisplayError ("Error encountered while printing report")
End If
End Function
Public Function fnReportSend()

Dim cbr As Object
Dim cbrCombo As Object
Dim strFormat As String
Dim rpt As Report, strReport As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set rpt = Reports(Reports.Count - 1)
strReport = rpt.Name

Set cbr = CommandBars("MyReportMenu")
Set cbrCombo = cbr.FindControl(Tag:="SendReport")
If cbrCombo.ListCount = 1 Or cbrCombo.ListIndex = 2 Then
strFormat = acFormatRTF
strFormat = "PDF Format (*.pdf)"
End If

On Error GoTo ReportSendError

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, strReport, strFormat, , , , "AWFC\LD
Details", , True

Exit Function

If Err.Number = 2501 Then
MsgBox "Send email was cancelled!"
ElseIf Err.Number = 2282 Then
MsgBox WrapText("Your system does not currently have the ability to
save a file " _
& "in a PDF format." & vbCrLf _
& "Contact your system administrator to request
addition of this " _
& "functionality to your suite of MS Office tools!", 65)
DisplayError ("Error encounterd during fnSendReport!")
End If

End Function
Public Function fnReportClose()

Dim rpt As Report
Dim strMsg As String
Dim intResponse As Integer, bPrint As Boolean

On Error GoTo fnReportCloseError

If Reports.Count > 0 Then
DoCmd.Close acReport, Reports(Reports.Count - 1).Name
End If

Exit Function

If Reports.Count > 0 Then strMsg = " Report: '" & Reports(Reports.Count
- 1).Name & "'"
strMsg = "Error encountered in fnCloseReport():" & strMsg
DisplayError (strMsg)

End Function

Public Function IsPDFInstalled(Optional Reset As Boolean) As Boolean

'Checks to see whether the computer has the PDF add-in for 2007.
'Since 2003 does not have a PDF add-in, it automatically returns a False
if the Access version
'is prior to 2007. Otherwise it tries to save a file as pdf and if the
process generates an
'error, returns False (0)

Static MyPDF As Variant
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strOutputFormat As String

On Error GoTo PDFError

If Not IsEmpty(MyPDF) And (Reset = False) Then
'do nothing
ElseIf Val(Application.Version) < 12 Then
MyPDF = False
strFilename = fGetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_PERSONAL) _
& "\Text" & Format(Now(), "yymmddhhnnss") & ".pdf"
DoCmd.Echo False
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputTable, "local_Numbers", acFormatPDF,
strFilename, False
Kill strFilename
MyPDF = True
End If

IsPDFInstalled = MyPDF
DoCmd.Echo True
Exit Function
MyPDF = False
Resume PDFExit

End Function

Public Function CmdBarExists(BarName As String) As Boolean

Dim intControls

On Error Resume Next
intControls = CommandBars(BarName).Controls.Count
If Err.Number = 0 Then
CmdBarExists = True
CmdBarExists = False
End If

End Function
Public Sub DeleteCmdBar(BarName As String)

Dim intLoop As Integer

'If an error is generated, it is because the command bar doesn't exist,
ignore it
On Error GoTo DeleteCmdBar_Error
Exit Sub


End Sub

Mark Andrews

You just need a ribbon with those buttons (instead of a toolbar). Of course
ribbons are a bit tougher to create. You can use the default ribbon that
shows when previewing a report or create a custom one.

I have two articles on creating ribbons that might help:
These articles should help you get the basics of creating ribbons (once you
do one it's pretty easy to tweak them, if you are comfortable with modifying
a bit of XML and a little code).

search the posts a bit I thin Albert Kallal had a post about specifically a
print preview ribbon and some issues if using the Access2007 runtime (a few
months back).

Here's a few more links:

Mark Andrews
RPT Software

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