Custom Project-level Field to displace the Project's Save Name


Brian Lukanic

I want the Project Center view of projects to NOT be a hyperlink to view the
schedule. Reason being that I have a custom hyperlink in a field right next
to that link, and this hyperlink goes to the project's workspace. I have
watched too many of my users intuitively click on the project name thinking
that it would take them to the workspace.

Unless there's a better way, I see two options - both of which I need help on.
1) Option 1: Create a project-level field that is something line
"=filesavename." I don't know if there's a field that I can reference or not.
I am afraid not.
2) Option 2: Somehow write a custom formula that "= line 0" of the project -
which essentially is what the Name field already does, but Project Center
hyperlinks it. Unless there is a setting in Project Server to turn off the
hyperlinks, I'd like to hide the default Name column from the view (or give
it 1 pixel in width,) and then have my new formula re-display the name but
without a hyperlink.

Jack Dahlgren MVP

After their intuition proves wrong about 90 or 100 times even the densest of
them will learn not to click on it. :)
Try changing the view so that your custom hyperlink is separated or more
clearly differentiated. Perhaps make it the first column?

I think that the "Project" field may give you what you are asking for in
number 1.

-Jack Dahlgren

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