In my organizational chart I have an "Executive" shape (from "Organization Chart Shape" stencil). Rightclick shows "Properties": Department, Telephone, Name, Title. After I set the values for each property, only Name and Title values are filled in my "Executive" shape.
I set the value for :
Depratment property - "Dept1"
Name property - "Name1"
Title property - "Title1"
How can I have Department value (in my case "Dept1") filled in my shape along with "Name1" and "Title1"?
Thanks in advance for any guru who spent his time for this issue.
I set the value for :
Depratment property - "Dept1"
Name property - "Name1"
Title property - "Title1"
How can I have Department value (in my case "Dept1") filled in my shape along with "Name1" and "Title1"?
Thanks in advance for any guru who spent his time for this issue.