Custom properties



If I want to store information in the custom properties,
and read the data with the dsofile.dll.
Is here any limit or maximum number of custom properties you can use?
Do custom properties mess with the document at all? slow loading time?

Jonathan West

greg said:
If I want to store information in the custom properties,
and read the data with the dsofile.dll.
Is here any limit or maximum number of custom properties you can use?
Do custom properties mess with the document at all? slow loading time?

I'm not aware of any particular limit on the number of properties. How many
are you thinking of using?

Increasing the document size will of course increase the loading time, but
on the number & size of properties that I have used, I haven't noticed any
particular problem.

Also, larger documents are in principle a bit more susceptible to corruption
than small ones, but again I'm not aware of specific problems in this
direction related to custom document properties.

Jonathan West

greg said:
I was thinking ~20-ish.
How many have you gone to?

I think I've pushed it to a few hundred occasionally. 20 is no problem at

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