Visio Pro 2003;
I am trying to use a cell reference to another shape from the custom
property of one shape to another custom property of another. I have tried to
enter the reference formula (PDU Panel!Prop.11PDUID) in the value field of
the custom property row that the data should show up in. Each shape is on the
same page and each is a master shape in a custom stencil. I keep getting a
formula error when I try to enter it. When I enter the formula in the
shapesheet of the shape on the drawing page it will accecp it but will not
keep the formula if I try to place that shape into the stencil as a new
master. I am missing something and I have not been able to find an answer in
any of the help sources.
I am trying to use a cell reference to another shape from the custom
property of one shape to another custom property of another. I have tried to
enter the reference formula (PDU Panel!Prop.11PDUID) in the value field of
the custom property row that the data should show up in. Each shape is on the
same page and each is a master shape in a custom stencil. I keep getting a
formula error when I try to enter it. When I enter the formula in the
shapesheet of the shape on the drawing page it will accecp it but will not
keep the formula if I try to place that shape into the stencil as a new
master. I am missing something and I have not been able to find an answer in
any of the help sources.