Custom reports directly from SQL-----Project Server 2002



I'm working on a custom report. Web Access and Project Pro both seem to fall
just short of what I need. I wondered if a SQL query using DTS could put the
data in an Excel spreadsheet for me on a schedule.

I need data grouped by project, then by resource, then by tasks, then
grouped (or possibly filtered) for whether that task has a "yes" or "no" in a
flag column. I need to show actual work.

The most difficult part is I need to be able to report the data not just by
month, but by fiscal month using the 4-4-5 system. (Jan has 4 weeks, Feb has
4, March has 5).

Ideas appreciated!


Poking around I've figured out how to group by project, then resource, then
task, along with showing actuals.

Need to figure out how to show actuals by week, so that I can deliver fiscal

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