Jim Aksel
I have created TEXT1 as a refernce to a JobNumber (timecard charge number).
THis job number is posted against many differnt tasks. Indivifuals may
belong to diffeent work groups and still charge to this Job Number (It is, in
effect, a charge number at a level 2 WBS and I have tasks broken out down to
about level 5).
So, how could I create a report that will summarize this TEXT1 field (Job
Number) on one axis, months on the horizontal, and then have the table values
be the hours for that JobNumber (TEXT1) for a given month?
THis job number is posted against many differnt tasks. Indivifuals may
belong to diffeent work groups and still charge to this Job Number (It is, in
effect, a charge number at a level 2 WBS and I have tasks broken out down to
about level 5).
So, how could I create a report that will summarize this TEXT1 field (Job
Number) on one axis, months on the horizontal, and then have the table values
be the hours for that JobNumber (TEXT1) for a given month?