custom size labels



It is a question, publisher seems to have predefined labels that you can't
change. I purchased 4 x 2.5 sheets of labels, the closest Publisher has is 4
x 2.

I can't figure out how to change the size.


Mary Sauer

Page setup, custom, type 4 width and 2.5 height.
Is there a specific product number? How many labels per page? What are the gap
measurements? If you change the vertical game to zero you will be able to get
eight labels per sheet with a .25 side margin.

Avery has Word templates for the majority of their labels.


Thank you, actually I found that if, in Publisher, you go File/Page Setup and
pick custom, you can create whatever size you need within the constraints of
the stock size. You cannot change a predefined label though. That was what
I was trying to do.

Thanks again,

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