Custom Sort Subform Data



Is there a way to display filtered subform data using a custom list. I wish
to sort my subform results by status which does not lend itself very well to
an alphabetic sort. I could assign values to each status and generate it
through the query I guess, but I was hoping for something easy I could put in
the OrderBy property.

Andy Hull

Hi Brian

Somewhere along the line you're going to have to "tell" Access how to order
the statuses.

If there aren't many you can use a nested iif statement in every query but
even with a few this can be cumbersome and error prone.

I would create a status table (if one doesn't already exist) and add a
column called StatusOrder.

Then just add this table to any query you want to sort the statuses and sort
by StatusOrder.


Andy Hull



I primarily wanted the active and incompleted records to show ahead of the
completed records. This was easily accomplished with the nested iif
statements as you suggested - I just wanted to make sure there wasn't some
hidden way.

Thanks again,

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