custom stationary margins help



I dont think I've posted to Microsoft before. I've searched for hours for
the answer to this question, and can't find it anywhere. I'm using Windows
XP, Microsoft Outlook 2003.

I've downloaded some custom email stationary from places like
www.stationary. org,, etc.
I love it except for two things ... I don't particularly care for the
scrolling; is there any way to make it not scroll? And, margins. When I click
"New" and get a blank email, the message ends up starting at the left side,
as it normally would, but with these stationary's that's not good. The
stationary pictures are scrolling over the words, making it impossible to

I can change the margins so that I don't type over the background, but when
replies come in, they type on the left and I can't read the reply. How can I
change the stationary's margins? I tried to find something like "view source"
because I do know a little HTML/CSS; with source, maybe I could've changed
it, but I couldn't even find the source.
So, basically, please help me with ...
1) Making a scrolling stationary not scroll.
2) Setting margins on a custom stationary

I appreciate all the help that I can get!

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