custom style printout



I know how to print two months on one page (Page Setup, Page, Paper Size="Day
Runner Classic"). However, I have not been able to figure out how to have
Saturday and Sunday print as a full block (their own column, not Sat/Sun)
like the other days of the week?

Also is there a way to make the above settings the defualt?

Could someone please help?

Thank you.



Well, I just figured out the answer to my own question.

To have Saturday and Sunday appear with a full block (their own column)
choose View, Arrange By, Current View, Customize Current View, click on the
"Other Settings" button and then deselect "compress weekend days". (I just
wish there was a way to set this for printing only)

To set the default paper size to "day runner classic" for instance, choose
File, Page Setup, Define Print Styles. Then double click the desired style
and make the required changes such as Paper Size.

Hope this helps someone else!

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