Custom Tasks misbehaving after upgrading to Exchange 2003



One of our departments has been using a pair of custom task forms to keep the
group organised. They worked within the limitations to send the tasks from a
centralised mailbox and so far everything has worked very well.

Then I went and upgraded our Exchange server from 5.5 to 2003 (swing) and
now these tasks are giving us grief. If the administrator sends out multiple
tasks to a person, as soon as the recipient accepts one, all of them get
moved into the trash. Viewed in the message list, the subject line displayed
each is unique, but when opened, each task is identical including the subject.

I have been to Sue's site and am aware of the cautions against custom tasks,
but these were working just fine on the old server. Is there something
different in how the 2003 server is handling these tasks?

We are still using Outlook 2000 to access the server right now, though I do
plan to test the task behaviour with Outlook 2003 since we're planning to
upgrade anyway.

Thanks in advance,

I kept a few aside myself and have determined that the message id is unique
for each task and they open up with the custom form properly.


It should be noted that, apart, from custom fields, there is really nothing
too complex about our modified forms.

It would appear that Outlook has no bearing on the outcome of these forms.
I did a test sending three assigned tasks from Outlook 2003 and when I viewed
the tasks in my inbox, they all showed the same internal data as the first
task I accepted. Despite showing a separate subject line.

We're going to get the creator of these tasks upgraded to Outlook 2003 and
he is going to rebuild the form to see if this repeats with an entirely new


Well, we upgraded the task creator to Outlook 2003 and he recreated his task
forms and everything seems to be working now. Wish I knew why the old forms
refused to work properly.


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