Hello, I succesfully installed FMC Stencils for Visio 2007. They are visible
and work only the first time I do this. Then, when adding custom buttons to
the menu bar or something else I don't know exactly it happens that next
Visio session hides that toolbar at all. I can still use stencils but no way
to make the FMC toolbar visible again. Inside the View menu there is no more
any FMC Toolbar entry.
Closing Visio and reinstalling the FMC Stencils doesn't work. To solve the
problem currently I only have to re-install Visio and Stencils.
Of course I can not do this each time I would like to use FMC language.
I checked about working path in Tools > Options > Advanced and everything
Where I can work to force Visio to load the Toolbars I like without
reinstalling everything ?
Someone suggested to use regedit and delete the toolbars subkey..I prefer to
ask before trying.
Any news or hints appreciated here

and work only the first time I do this. Then, when adding custom buttons to
the menu bar or something else I don't know exactly it happens that next
Visio session hides that toolbar at all. I can still use stencils but no way
to make the FMC toolbar visible again. Inside the View menu there is no more
any FMC Toolbar entry.
Closing Visio and reinstalling the FMC Stencils doesn't work. To solve the
problem currently I only have to re-install Visio and Stencils.
Of course I can not do this each time I would like to use FMC language.
I checked about working path in Tools > Options > Advanced and everything
Where I can work to force Visio to load the Toolbars I like without
reinstalling everything ?
Someone suggested to use regedit and delete the toolbars subkey..I prefer to
ask before trying.
Any news or hints appreciated here