Custom toolbars in Excel 2003



I wish to send a spreadsheet to colleagues with a custom toolbar attached.
Is this possible, or do I have to load the toolbar onto individual machines.
I can vaguely remember reading that toolbars can be created by vba, that is a
possible solution, but as the number of users of this spreadsheet is below
10, it may be quicker to load the spreadsheet onto individual machines using
a memory stick.

John Bundy

you can have it built through code easily, I build it on workbook open and
destroy on close, here is some sample, change the on action part to be the
name of your function/sub that pressing the button will run

Set myBar = Application.CommandBars.Add("Grocery", msoBarTop, , False)

Application.CommandBars("Grocery").Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton, _
ID:=23, Before:=1
Application.CommandBars("Grocery").Controls(1).Caption = "Dispatch
Application.CommandBars("Grocery").Controls(1).OnAction = "GetRoutes"


John, your post was very helpful. Where can I find the list of valid values
for "ID"?


Ron de Bruin

Hi Tom

I see your reply in Google but not in OE
Both are working for me Tom

does erlandsen's site work for you? It hasn't been working for me for at
least 2 weeks I believe. How about Laurent Longre's site?

Any information on either of these sites?

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