Custom Validation


Mark McDonough

I have a timesheet set up in Excel which has the following data all in
reference to row 9:

Column C = Start time eg 08:00 AM
Column D = Lunch time eg 1:00 hr
Column E = End time eg 19:00 PM
Column F = Total Time (caluculated) =E9-C9-D9
Column G = Overtime (calculated) =F9-"7:00" (normal hours are 7)
Column I= Meal Allowance

The meal allowance is only payable for overtime exceeding 1 hour and is a
maximum of $15.

I want to enter a custom validation to only allow input for the meal
allowance when Column G > 1 hour and then only for $15. What is the
validation formula I should use.

I have created the following formula but it doesn't seem to be doing the


All times are in the format hh:mm.

Any help greatly appreciated.

XL2003 and WinXP

Sheila D

You can only use the > if you are using a numeric value - because your value
is enclosed in quotes "1.00" it is text and thus cannot be identified as a

I would be inclined to use the IF function as a formua to calculate the
actual value for I9 based on hours worked etc rather than Data Validation
which only checks input. HTH


Mark McDonough

Thanks Ardus but it doesn't work for all possibilities. For example if I
have overtime = 0 in G9, this validation doesn't allow for an input of 0
which it must.

Also where the overtime is greater than 1 hour, this validation prevents an
input of $15 which is the entitled meal allowance. I really think an if
statement is required here to say:

If overtime in G9 = from 0 to 1 hour then restrict input in Meal Allowance
to 0. (in other words no meal allowance).
If overtime in G9 is greater than one hour, then allow an input of $15 only.

C9 to G9 is hh:mm
I9 is general format
I'm not sure if I have some issues around time formulas etc

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