Custom Views Options..



I am trying to create a view that will allow Team Leads to see each resource
on their team along with their associated work, baseline, remaining work,
etc. The problem we are having, which may just be a function of how the
project plan is built, is that we want to show this by Team so Team Leads
dont have to see the progress of other teams, just theirs.

Of all the views I tried, Project Assignment views has most of the fields we
want. One thing Assignment view does not have is the Group or Workgroup
fields. We are using these fields to store the team name and I would like to
use that as my filter. Is it possible to get this field in the Assignment
view? Our other option is to rename all the tasks in our project plan to have
a prefix in the task name for a filter. For example, "Manage Team" would
become "CM - Manage Team", using "CM -" as our filter word. This could be a
huge pain in the butt though.

I also tried the Task View fields, but when it shows the resource names, it
doesnt show it line by line. So if a task has 2 people on it, it shows the
overall task work, baseline, etc, instead of showing the task, and then the
contributions that each person assigned to it has made.

We could also use the Text custom fields found in the assignment views to
store the team name, but we dont know where to define those values in the
project plan in the Project Pro client. We tried the Text1 field in the task
name itself, but that only works when we use a task view which we already
determined doesnt show us what we want.

Any ideas?

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