Custom Views



I am trying to design custom views born of an original document. I need four
views, one is the orginal, and three others. I tried listing the names of all
four names of the views I will create, on the original document, then prior
to setting the custom views, along with hiding columns and rows, I hide the
rows containing the 3 names of the views that do not apply to that current
view, set the print area, then add a custom view name. I also set up macros
simply to create a shortcut to each of the views. It works fine for a few
times. The shortcuts work, the names of the view show in the 1st row just as
I set up, but then after a few times of switching back and forth, some of the
formatting disappears. i.e., the names in the first row become
inconsistant-showing the row with the name of a different view, or suddenly
showing rows that were hidden prior to setting the custom view.

I have deleted the custom views and re-formatted the look, re-added the
custom view, and the same thing happens again. Now I am starting to get a
"section is too large" message when trying to reset a view. What is going
on????? I am out of ideas.

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