Custom Workspace Templates + Project 2007



I attempted to create a workspace template following the instructions here:

I wanted to add the Project Details web part, so I tried to use the PSIURL,
explained here: When I
tried to add the web part, I received an authorization failed error and can't
resolve it. I made sure the user has access to the PWA site but didn't know
what else to do. Where can I find information on resolving that?

After giving up on that I tried to create a workspace under PWA and then
remove the URL from SharePoint. The system allowed me to do that, but once I
set the default template to that and then tried to push a project from
Project Server to PWA it failed.

How do I create a template that contains the Project Details web part but
doesn't fail?

Jonathan Sofer

This might not be directly related to the Project Details web part but if
your workspace creation is failing after you change the default template, it
might be because you created the new template off a workspace that was still
connected to a project at the time you saved it as a template. Just a



Thanks for the idea Jonathan, but I removed the workspace from Project and
then saved the template. The failure occurred when Project tried to use the
new default template to create a new workspace.

Jonathan Sofer

That is strange that you are experiencing that error since not removing the
workspace from the project before saving as a template will cause exactly
the issue you are referring to where an error occurs during the creating of
new workspaces based on the new default template. In fact, the site you
referenced has a
specific note on this: "Do not use an existing project workspace site as the
basis for a template because the template is already linked to a project,
you will get an error when trying to provision a new site for any other

That is the only time I have seen any issues like that. I have not seen any
issues with adding the Project Details web part to a site that was
provisioned from a project. You

However, if you followed Procedure 2 from that site you would have started
your workspace template creation from WSS 3.0 Central Administration and the
Project Details web part will not be available for you to add.

You can only get to the Project Details and other project related webparts
if you create your workspace template from an existing site that was
provisioned from a project.

If you decided to go down the latter route so that you can add the Project
Details web part, you will have to remember to disassociate the schedule
from the workspace before you save the site as a template. To disassociate
the schedule from the workspace do the following:

1) In PWA go to Server Settings>Project Workspaces
2) Highlight the row with the schedule and workspace you were working on.
3) Note the full URL of the site so you will be able to find it later
4) Click "Edit Site Address"
5) Select "Remove the URL from the SharePoint site" option
6) Click "OK"

I would try to start over again using my instructions and if you still get
that authentication error when you add the Project Details webpart or still
cannot provision new sites off the new site template then we can go from


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